2. And to find the connectomes of brains more like our own

2024-01-12 2:09:49 焦点体育 admin

  连接体用英语说"union body",还可以翻译为  connected body,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到74个与连接体相关的释义和例句。

  1. union body

  连接体翻译为union body。


  The connectome shows the electrical connections, and hence the quickest paths for information to move through the worm's brain.


  2.   connected body

  连接体翻译为   connected body。


  Fence, as one of composing elements in streets, is the connection of the streets systems.


  3. connector



  The principle, installation method and application of the combined vibration - reducing system are ysed in this paper.


  4. interconnect -

  连接体翻译为 interconnect -。

  示例:These habitats interconnect, and all are vital to the well being of the Great Barrier Reef.

  这些栖息地都是互相联系的 所有栖息地都对 大堡礁上的一切很重要


  1. connectome(连接体 )

  2. minor connector(小连接体)

  3. minsing( 连接体)

  4. union body(连接体;连结体)

  5. handpiece connection([医] 手机连接体)

  major connector ( 大连接体 口腔 )

  intece ( 接口分界面连接体 )

  interlinked architecture ( 内部连接体系结构 )

  minor connector ( 小连接体 口腔 )

  nonrigid connector ( 活动连接体 口腔 )

  rigid connector ( 固定连接体 口腔 )

  Holliday junction ( 霍利迪连接体 )

  connect body problem ( 连接体问题 )

  1. (Laughter) i am my connectome.

  译文:(众人笑) 我是我的连接体。

  2. And to find the connectomes of brains more like our own, we need more sophisticated technologies, that are automated, that will speed up the process of finding connectomes.

  译文:而找到人脑的连接体 我们需要更加精尖的自动化技术 以提高寻找连接体的速度。

  3. This is the connectome of the worm C. elegans.

  译文:这就是线虫的 连接体。

  4. if you believe that i am my connectome, i think you must also accept the idea that death is the destruction of your connectome.

  译文:如果你相信我是我的连接体 我认为你就必须接受这个观点 那就是:死亡就是 你连接体的消亡。

  5. The connectome is where nature meets nurture.


  6. This is the connectome of the worm C. elegans.

  译文:这就是线虫的 连接体。

  7. Neural activity is its water, and the connectome is its bed.

  译文:神经活动是水 连接体是河床。

  8. And as i told you just now, neural activity can change the connectome.

  译文:我刚才说过 神经活动能够改变连接体。

  9. Suppose our technologies for finding connectomes actually work.

  译文:假设我们寻找连接体的技术 起到了作用。

  10. Suppose our technologies for finding connectomes actually work.

  译文:假设我们寻找连接体的技术 起到了作用。

  11. The question is: has that damage erased the connectome?


  12. How can we find an entire connectome?


  13. Everybody: i am my connectome.


  14. And as i told you just now, neural activity can change the connectome.

  译文:我刚才说过 神经活动能够改变连接体。

  15. Everybody: i am my connectome.


2. And to find the connectomes of brains more like our own
2. And to find the connectomes of brains more like our own

